Wine Details

Now you have reached the third level in the system, where you can see all the details concerning the label you have selected.

From here, all kind of information about your wine is on your fingertips. A click on one of the grey fields below the cost and value brings you directly to the referring information in the Wine Searcher Wikipedia. This is the number one information base in the world of wine.

Updating your information is made as easy as possible. You just click on fields like No of bottles, Maturity or Value and get directly into change mode. Or you choose update functions from the menu.

On the menu bar you also find the controll for the WineFreak Social functions, where you can send and receive messages within the WineFreak Community. Those messages might be images or just text, but you also can transfer the whole information about this specific wine. The receiver can then either just look at it or even transfer this information into his/her own Digital Wine Cellar in case of later purchasing the same wine.

The mission of WineFreak is “Increase your Wine Competence”. The comment field is one important part of it. Here you can gather all kind of relevant information about your wine, like professional reviews or your own reflection about this wine.

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