WineFreak Social is released

We are very happy that we now have our WineFreak Social component up and running.

Wine enthusiasts are social people – at least the ones we know. Who preferes sitting alone, drinking a nice bottle of wine and not being able to share this experience with others? Often we get hold of a rare wine we want our friends to know about, so that they can make their purchase before it’s sold out. Or we just want to send a picture to our friends in the wine club. Even better if we could transfer all information we have gathered about our wine so that tit can be imported right into their digital wine cellar in case they would like to buy the same wine…

Well, all that is now possible with WineFreak Social. Now you can exchange messages, pictures and wine information within the WineFreak Community. You also can establish your own group and then communicate just within that group. That is very useful for wine clubs.

I hope you will enjoy this new functionality. It is menu driven and you also have 2 Icons available for those functions. You will find more information under Use Cases and Scope and Structure.

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