You have chosen a prime rib for dinner. Your friends appreciate wine and you want to surprise them with a seldom bottle. You are very fond of Don Melchor 2010 yourself and remember that this wine was awarded to be the 9th world best wine a few years ago. It has good stories to it about the award and the vineyard. And not all know that Chile is one of the greatest wine-producing countries. So that bottle might be a surprise…
You know that you have a few bottles, but where to find it?
What you do
Well, this is easily done. You key “mel” into the search field, hit “enter”, and you see Don Melchor’s label coming up. You hit the label, and you have the detailed information about your wine on your screen. Including the location Cabinet 1, Shelf 1. That is it.3 seconds.
But now, since you have all the details in front of you, you can check out a few other things. You see that “Beef and Venison” is mentioned as food suggestion. You click it and read Wine-Searchers “Wine Pairings for Beef and Venison”, and yes, prime rib fits well. Now you wonder about the wine region “Maipo Valley”. It’s just one click, and you read about this most important wine-producing region in Chile, you see the map and know where it is located. What about the producer? One click and you learn that the vineyard is owned by Concha y Toro, one of the largest wine producers in South America. It is named after Melchor de Concha y Toro, who brought Bordeaux to Chile and planted its varieties in the Maipo river valley in the 1880s. Therefor the name. Now, before you leave the system, you just want to refresh your knowledge about the most famous red wine grape on Earth: Cabernet Sauvignon. Again, one klick, and you have the whole story in front of you. Wow, that’s what you call “Information on your fingertips”. The last thing you see before the wine details disappear is that you have still 4 bottles in your cellar, maturity has reached 48%, so it is very well developed and can be taken, and, last not least: the value has increased by 46% since you bought the wine.
While you go down to the cellar to fetch the wine, you think “good to have WineFreak at my side”.